Left Front Headlight SX BMW Series 7 E38 750 740 735 730 728 725 Bosch. The description of this item has been automatically translated. BMW 7 E38 750 740 735 730 728 725. Hole in the side plastic which does not affect its functioning it had been closed with insulating tape. ATTENTION: any slight opacity of the glass seen in the photo is due to the fact that, at the time of the photographic shots, condensation formed due to the passage from the “cold” spare parts warehouse to a warmer environment. The glasses are perfectly transparent and in perfect condition. Dishes free from rust or defects. Provenance from a former body shop specializing in vintage car restoration. Scheinwerfer für Car BMW 7 E38 750 740 735 730 728 725. ACHTUNG: Die eventuell auf dem Foto erkennbare leichte Trübung des Glases ist darauf zurückzuführen, dass sich im Moment der photographische Aufnahme durch den Übergang vom “kalten” Ersatzteillager in eine wärmere Umgebung Kondenswasser gebildet hat. The glasses are perfect transparent and easy to use. Gleichnisse frei von Rost oder Mängeln. Headlight for car BMW 7 E38 750 740 735 730 728 725. ATTENTION: the possible slight opacity of the glass that can be seen in the photo is due to the fact that, at the moment of the photographic shots, condensation has formed due to the passage from the “cold” spare parts warehouse to a warmer environment. Parables free from rust or defects. Origin ex specialized body shop. Phare pour voiture BMW 7 E38 750 740 735 730 728 725. ATTENTION: the slight opaqueness of the image visible on the photo is due to the fact that at the moment of the captures of the photographs, the condensation is formed due to the passage of the entry of the detached pieces “froid” to a environment plus chaud. Les verres are parfaitement transparents et en parfait état. Parables free from rouille or defauts. Origin ex carrossier spécialisé. ATTENTION: the slight opaqueness of the image visible on the photo is due to the fact that at the moment of the captures of the photographs, the condensation is formed due to t. Parti auto d’epoca. Ricambi Auto d’Epoca.