ORIGINAL RESIN AS SEEN & DESCRIBED IN PHOTOS & TITLE! MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS! WHY DO YOU PART OUT MODEL PARTS? I have collected models for over 30+ years, and have seen a vast amount of models in my day.. Throughout the years, i have delve into model building, to racing 1/24 scale drag slotcars all over the country, to collecting HTF & RARE factory sealed kits to more recently, restoring/restorations on original annual kits. I have found it very fun & exciting to restore these old models to a new creation.. And through the journey – i have found alot of joy in helping fellow modelers like myself & now over 2400+ followers to find parts!! So parts are always needed for restorations.. I strive to be the best & the #1 stop for vintagemodelcarparts! If you won two or more items, PLEASE WAIT to pay until I send you an invoice if you have more that one item. I put a lot of hours into this.. I sometimes have to take unexpected work trips/ child school activities, etc. We are a family raising two 8 year old girls. WHY DONT YOU RESPOND RIGHT AWAY? WILL YOU LIST/CAN YOU FIND ME A 1972 IMPALA MPC KIT?? Im sorry- i can not.. I have over +12,000 original kits in my collection, and I’m slowing thinning out some of the stuff I have- that being said, I have absolutely no order of what I’m putting on, or about to list- best thing to do is to add me to your favorites & continue to look every Saturday-Tuesday as I list new parts each week! ORIGINAL PARTS VS RESIN? Isn’t original always better? My motto: Save your health and don’t breath in nasty resin dust while you spend countless hours of sanding resin when original fits and gives you more life & time to build! I’ve used resin a time or two- it’s all the same, tons of sanding and prepping/fitting, and make sure you prep correctly or paint will not last with time… Then use a messy hot glue gun to mount bumpers.. Oh, and make sure it’s at a room temperature, or the stuff will warp.. DO YOU SELL ANY NEW RELEASE KITS? Keep me as your #1 stop shop for vintagemodelcarparts! THANK YOU FOR READING & THANK YOU ALL FOR NOW 9+ YEARS OF SERVICE & TRYING TO OFFER THE BEST PARTS AVAILABLE! THANK YOU & GOD BLESS- FROM MYSELF & MY WIFE MEGAN + KIDS!