6010 RC10 Buggy, 1984 with East Edigner Ave address. Mid run car, known from Vintage RC10 enthusiasts as such because the RC10 was so popular, so quickly that Team Associated quickly had to increase production rate leading to some interesting variations in the 6010 kits, this variation having the non-logo proline tires in the kit (the chrome jellybeans wheels were not kit, but added later). Aside from the tire variation the mid-run cars had more known anodizing imperfections/anodizing over chassis scratches and imperfections, ie- lots of random textural differences and chassis that just were not handled/finished as well as the first cars as they were trying to keep up with demand at the time. All of this is well documented on the RC10Talk site. This car was found around 2006 by RC10Talk Admin Jason Csontos with a black spray painted chassis and all box parts dyed red, but unrun. He meticulously replaced every dyed part with NIP parts, cleaned the chassis of the spray paint and built the car. Box has seen better days (Edingers were stamped box ends, not like later cars). All manuals, leaflets etc are present, the stock motor is NIP, the gear cover and early thick like. 040 body are uncut. Check out our other college funding listings for Vintage RC10 parts!